Congratulations to my brother Chris! I am so proud of his accomplishments. He is such a gem of guy and I’m thankful to call him my brother. Getting to see him graduate with his Masters was definitely an honor I will cherish forever. Little did I know, I was in for the speech of a lifetime when graduate Brian Giovanini took to the podium. (I get goosebumps just thinking about it!) Brian began his speech by informing the audience that he was born with cerebral palsy. You could’ve heard a pin drop right there and then. He spoke of the challenges he faced growing up, being raised by a single Mom in a trailer, and recalling how he had always wanted to just feel ‘normal’. With the help of a computer, he reminisced how he finally felt some normalcy when he was able to write his name legibly for the first time in his life. The simple act of being able to type out his name for others to see planted a seed in him that would later grow into a degree in field of computer science. As Brian’s speech continued, I smiled profusely while the tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Struck by Brian’s powerful determination, I quickly realized he surpassed normal long ago; Brian was extraordinary! Now headed for his Masters degree, there’s no limit to what dreams Brian may fulfill. His powerful determination to succeed beyond the expectations of others inspired me then and probably will for the rest of my life. Brian, you have touched the lives of many. Thank you for being YOU, we know you will continue to do amazing things!