Category Archives: Fashion
Scottfree Salon
Scottfree Salon
Scottfree Salon
Handweaver’s Guild Fashion Show
Koya + Monty
Another shoot while visiting Southern California! It was awesome working with both Koya and her boyfriend, Monty. Both are just gorgeous and so sweet. Koya is a fitness model, life coach and health enthusiast. Her raw food diet and detox programs are available on her website HERE. Thanks again to both Koya and Monty. It was so great to meet and work with you guys. Health and Happiness!
Nicole + Dustin
We had a total blast hanging out in L.A. last week. We got to shoot this fabulous couple around where we were staying in Venice. The shops of Abbot Kinney provided awesome backdrops for our couple AND you can never go wrong with the beach. Such a gorgeous couple and such amazing light. Seriously, the warmest, butteriest light ever! We must send special thanks to Marie over at Agency Galetea for hooking us up with them – Marie, you are so awesome 🙂 . Of course, many, many thanks go to Nicole & Dustin as well. We absolutely LOVED working with you guys – it was like working with old friends! AND thanks again for introducing us to Blue Plate restaurant. Such a treat! You guys rock 😉 .
Seriously… we had such a blast with these guys!
As some of you know, Steven and do a little on camera work (ie. my Fleet Farm commercial) 🙂 . So while on a job for Colombia College I met another actress, Christine. You may recognize her from her Adelman commercial (see below). She was awesome to work with – sooo hilarious, we had a blast! It just so happened that she was in need of some updated photos for her portfolio and so she choose to hire us!!! I was so excited at the opportunity of working with her and really hope to do so again soon:) Thanks again Christine!!!
P.S. Yes, that is our very own Monamie making her modeling debut!
It was so exciting for us to shoot this special session for Stacey. The images are an anniversary gift for her hubby. As always, we were super inspired by the new location. Thanks again for being such a great model Stacey!